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Hi. I'm Becca

And I love music. 

Like most music enthusiasts, I have been surrounded by music my entire life. From vinyl to cassette. Cassette to CD. CD to MP3. MP3 to...well, you get the idea. 

One of my greatest joys is listening to new music, discovering new artists, and probably the greatest honor of all: being able to watch friends, loved ones, and acquaintances succeed as the talented musicians they are. Achieving great heights as the musical forces they are.

With this in mind, I was inspired to create a space where all music would have a place to be praised and seen. From synth to soul, indie to doom, I believe all music deserves to be recognized for the art and emotion it is and it's ability to transport us. The moments that melt your face, and the tunes that suspend time.


In the words of the late and great Louis Armstrong

"Music is life itself."


It's a privilege to have you here. 


With love,

Becca B.

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